Saturday, December 12, 2009

Thursday, October 8, 2009

It's so hard to say goodbye

There is something magical about the Garden Isle. Well, many things really. A lot of good has come from the last 6 weeks, namely restored health and a relaxed state of mind. I understand now why people move to the Happy State; where pressures ease, life slows, and appreciation for that which isn't man made, is found.

I will never forget what the air smells like here. It is rich with life; like a farm, without the funk of animal shit. I wish could bottle this air up and take it home with me, taking huffs here and there whenever I'm feeling toxic.

When I first arrived, I had a hard time holding still on the beach for more than 2 hours. Now 6 hour days in the sun and sea fly by. This environment is intoxicating. I'm addicted. I get sad when I think of Sunday. Though I know what lies ahead will be another exciting segment, it's so hard to say goodbye.

When I left San Diego, I had a hard time saying bye to friends. Here, I'm bidding farewell to the beach, the mountains, the jungle, and a simple life.

Have I found inner peace? The answers to questions I came here to resolve? I am more peaceful than I can recall being in some time. Any more and I'd fall asleep. As for questions, the most important ones have been answered. Maybe I'll share sometime.


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Wednesday, October 7, 2009

I love gas

I hate electric stoves. Like a LOT. Why?

1. There is no way of telling when the burners are at proper temperature.
2. Uneven heat distribution.
3. The stove stays hot long after you are done cooking.
4. If you need to light something on fire like a candle or a cigar, it's nearly impossible.
5. There is nothing worse than a burnt quesadilla.

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Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Giving up craft beer for one day

I sell out for fun bathingsuits...

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Walking the tightrope between sea and sky

One of my favorite photos from my trip to Kauai. The rivermouth, sand and horizon walked by Tiona Mizokami.

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Do you talk to doors?

Do you ever find yourself standing at a closed door having a conversation with a person who is allegedly behind the door that just so happens to be available for communication even though they are in a room with a closed fucking door? I refuse to discuss home matters such as groceries, bills and laundry while I am on the can, sleeping/other. What type of quality communication are these people looking for? I cannot be held responsible for miscommunication that occurs between myself, asshole, and door. 

Please take a stand by not talking back through closed doors. Just open the door and talk like humans.

Monday, October 5, 2009

Photo of the day

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50 words or less

I'm trying out a new tool in my quest to be a less verbose blogger. I was turned on to Posterous by my bestie Edwin Real. Check his inspirational account!

What I like about Posterous is that I can update via my phone, email and everything is synced including facebook, Twitter, Blogger, and Wordpress. Whew!

So I'm gonna give micro musings a go... stay tuned.

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Shut up and listen

This is what quiet sounds like.